The Learning Crew
Meet the Learning Crew at East Preston Infant School
Why do we have the Learning Crew?
So that we can be the best that we can be!
The Learning Crew characters were created to support the children's understanding of the skills required to be a learner. These are relevant for all areas of the curriculum, not just reading, writing and maths.
All children enter school already possessing some of these skills. We aim to strengthen areas that they display alongside the development of the other concepts - ' I can be an even better learner if .....'
Learning doesn't just take place at school! Linking the skills at home can have a strong impact on their learning approach and confidence in school.
Be a Busy Bee
Make the most of your learning time and don't waste any!
How parents can support:-
Think about a new skill that you could learn together as a family eg, cooking, gardening.
Purposeful learning - working alongside your child eg, building a construction set, going on a scavenger hunt.
Focus on being a learner eg, sharing what you have learnt, promoting that learning is a skill for life, sharing your job skills or hobbies.
Go for It Gorilla
Challenge yourself and show what you know!
How parents can support:-
Risk taking - try something new eg, learn how to skate.
Positive thinking - instill a 'can do' attitude by encouraging your child to have a go independently before helping them.
Persevering Parrot
Keep trying and don't give up!
How parents can support:-
Work on simple tasks together, such as managing buttons, zips, shoelaces when getting dressed. Help by modelling: 'I'll do this bit, you try that part'.
Practising writing their name, supporting their letter formation.
Learning how to swim, ride a scooter or a bike without stabilisers.
Proud Peacock
Work with care so you feel proud of your work.
How parents can support:-
Promote 'being the best that you can be'. Model our school values of 'Being kind and helpful, honest, gentle, we listen, we work hard and we look after property.
Celebrating success no matter how small the step may be through a culture of verbal praise eg, well done for trying to cut up your own food.
Share awards that your child has gained via our 'Achievements Page' in the pupil secure area of the website eg, swimming certificates, music awards.
Resourceful Raccoon
Find the right learning tools to help you succeed.
At school it means that we support the children to find the resources in their learning environment to help them complete the task.
How parents can support:-
Thinking out loud so your child has the steps modelled of how to complete a task eg, getting ready for bed.
To think about and organise themselves for activities instead of doing it for them eg, what things do you need to get for your swimming lessons?
Encouraging your child to think about and gather together the resources they need to take to school.
Be a Curious Cat
What would you like to know?
At school it means we encourage the children to ask relevant questions about their learning.
How parents can support:-
Make your children curious by having quality talk time with them.
Taking them to new places, noticing and talking about things in the environment eg, discussing different features when visiting a new town.
Encouraging children to make different word choices and use correct terminology (children love big words!) eg, conker tree = horse chestnut, nice = colourful, spectacular.
Using a range of question words eg, play 20 questions using how, what, where, why, who.
Linking Ladybird
Stop, think! Use what you already know.
At school it means we encourage the children to make connections in their learning.
How parents can support:-
Using the weekly learning letter to chat to your child about what they already know and apply it at home eg, counting in two's by matching socks.
Recalling previous knowledge and use it in a different context eg, 'Remember when ....', 'It's a bit like ....', 'It's similar to .....'.
Putting their learning into real contexts eg, weighing ingredients, counting out screws, measuring pieces of wood when mending a fence.