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East Preston Infant School

East Preston Infant School

School News

Welcome to our Schools News page which will keep you an idea of some of the interesting things happening in and around the school.

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  • 17/03/23

    School Grounds Day Thursday 23rd March

    Our Spring School Grounds Morning is now going to be a full day in order that we can begin to create our new Forest School area in memory of Paul Andrews. We will be staggering the time the year groups are outside. The time slots for each year group are: Reception - 9.15-10.30am Year 1...
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  • 06/03/23

    Parent Consultations 14th, 15th and 16th March

    Parents Evenings - Online Appointment Booking (via school cloud) Virtual Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 15th or Thursday 16th March. Robins class will have one on Thursday 23rd March to replace Wednesday 15th March due to teacher availability. A...
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  • 03/03/23

    FEPIS Pre-Loved Uniform Sale Tuseday 7th March

    FEPIS will be selling pre-loved uniform outside the office from 3pm on Tuesday 7th March (weather permitting)
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  • 24/02/23

    World Book Day Friday 3rd March

    On Friday 3rd March we will be celebrating World Book Day (moved from Thursday to avoid any strike action). The theme this year is ‘You Are a Reader’ and we want to enable every child to develop a love of reading, gain confidence and be successful. We are inviting the children to come...
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  • 09/02/23

    INSET Day 20th Feb - school reopens Tuesday 21st Feb

    Half Term - Monday 13th February to Friday 17th February inclusive. INSET Day Monday 20th February. Enjoy the half term break and see you all back in school on Tuesday 21st February.
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  • 01/02/23

    'Dress in what you love' Day Thursday 9th February

    'Dress in what you love’ day! FEPIS have decided to give a nod towards Valentine’s Day this year by treating the children to a non-uniform day on Thursday 9th February. This will then not interfere with any classes taking part in Forest School. The theme is ‘dress in wh...
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  • 20/01/23

    YR Rainbow Theatre Visit Tuesday 31st January

    Payment of £5.50 per child can be made via Weduc. Our topic this term is 'Once Upon a Time'.  To help enrich the children's learning and bring our topic to life, The Rainbow Theatre Company will be visiting the school on Tuesday 31st January 2023 to perform their 'Fairy...
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  • 13/01/23

    FEPIS Meeting Tuesday 17th January 2023 at 9.10am

    Everyone is welcome! They will be discussing fundraising opportunities this term to help raise vital funds for East Preston Infant School.  Please come along if you have any ideas, want to volunteer or are just curious to find out more.
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  • 05/01/23

    Happy New Year

    We hope you all had a lovely Christmas break - welcome back to all our pupils.
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  • 14/12/22

    School closes Friday 16th December 3.15pm

    School reopens on Wednesday 4th January
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  • 09/12/22

    Open Morning Tuesday 13th December 9 - 10am

    Parents are invited to come along at any time between 9 – 10am to the Open Morning on Tuesday 13th December, where you will be able to look at your child’s work with them and walk around the school together.
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  • 02/12/22

    Christmas Jumper Day Friday 9th December

    We are once again supporting Save the Children’s ‘Christmas Jumper’ Campaign. On this day, we would like to invite the children to wear non-uniform and a festive/winter jumper to school, or they can decorate a jumper with a Christmas theme, if they would like.  You do not need...
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