Coronavirus Update - 17.3.2020

Dear Parents and Carers
Schools currently remain open and will aim to do so until advised by the Department for Education and Public Health England.
However following the latest government announcement, there has been a change to the advice on self-isolation and vulnerable groups.
If you and your child are well, please continue to come to school.
If you or anyone in your household is displaying symptoms then all members of the household should self-isolate for 14 days.
The symptoms are: a new persistent cough and/or a high temperature.
The following groups are also requested to remain at home.
- Age >70
- Adults who are eligible for a free flu vaccination due to a long-term health condition
- Those who are immunocompromised
For further information, please visit the West Sussex County Council website - which also includes links to the latest government advice.
This is a fast moving situation and we will continue to update when we have more information.