Headteacher's Welcome
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome to East Preston Infant School! We are delighted to be able to share with you all the wonderful things our school has to offer and hope that you will find your time with us a happy and rewarding experience.
We are determined to be a first class school and we work very hard to give all of our pupils the best possible education every day. We pride ourselves on being fully inclusive and our ‘Rights Respecting’ ethos puts the children at the very heart of everything that we do. We appreciate that every child is special and unique and that it is our job to bring out the best in them. In return we expect high standards of learning and behaviour and we work closely with you to ensure your child’s success now and in later life.
We believe that learning should be fun and we want every child to do and be the very best they can. We have a practical, hands on approach to learning and we take every opportunity to take the curriculum outside, using our outdoor classrooms and Forest School areas.
We have a strong commitment to providing a broad and balanced education as we want our children to be ‘well rounded’, caring and responsible citizens, with a strong sense of self-worth and the confidence to succeed. Our current curriculum has recently been revised to make sure that it is up to date with the new requirements, makes learning exciting and meets the needs of every child.
We are always very happy to show visitors around our school so why not come along and have a look!
We are very proud of our school and everyone who is a member of it and we hope that you will enjoy playing a part in our continued success.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Claire New
If you would like copies of any of the information found on our website please speak to the school office who will provide this free of charge.