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East Preston Infant School

East Preston Infant School

Physical Education


At East Preston Infant School, we believe that our PE curriculum should inspire children to develop a lifelong interest in physical activity to ensure that they lead and understand the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle. Through the development of children’s fundamental movement skills, we aim to improve aspects such as agility, balance and coordination thereby promoting the growth of the whole child. We recognise that participation in regular activity is paramount to children’s physical, emotional and mental well-being as it instils self-discipline, promotes self-confidence and reduces stress levels. In addition, all children are offered the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of sporting activities before, during and after school.


We use the 'Real PE' scheme to teach high quality PE sessions, with a clear focus on fundamental movement skills which build on prior knowledge. Using the Real PE cogs (social, personal, cognitive, creative, health and fitness and physical) we take the children on a journey of learning and developing key skills through a fun, exciting and inclusive thematic approach. PE is taught in two timetabled sessions each week, utilising both the indoor and outdoor environments.

Our Early Years outdoor classroom provides children with access to a wide range of opportunities that develop their gross motor skills to support in negotiating space, developing core strength and co-ordination - a key element of the ‘Physical Development’ strand of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. All children have weekly access to our play-trail and structured lunchtime 'Positive Play' games and activities provide a further opportunity for purposeful physical activity.

Before and after school sporting clubs offer children a wider opportunity to continue to raise their activity levels and enjoy being active. In Key Stage 1, children are able to participate in inter-school sporting competitions where they can further develop their skills and interests.

Intended Impact

Through Physical Education, the children will learn to:

  • think, select and apply skills
  • develop positive attitudes towards leading a healthy lifestyle
  • increase their physical stamina
  • embed values such as fairness and respect

PE Progression Overview
PE Milestones
PE Learning Journey