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East Preston Infant School

East Preston Infant School

Riley our Therapy Dog

We are delighted to announce that from January 2025 through Schools Underdog International, Riley the therapy dog will be joining us and working across all year groups with some of our children.  If Riley will be working with your child, Mrs Greenway will make contact with you to seek your permission and answer any questions you may have.  A full risk assessment is in place along with the required insurances and Riley is fully trained to work alongside young children.

Riley is an Australian Labradoodle who brings a smile to everyone she meets. She has a warm, intuitive personality, and she naturally understands when to be gentle and when to be playful. Riley adores all humans, especially children. Her ability to sense the mood and adjust her behaviour makes her an ideal companion.

Inside Riley is calm and relaxed and enjoys her spot on the sofa. When out and about she loves to run as fast as her paws can carry her and can often be seen zooming along the beach, exploring the woods and playing with her friends. She also loves to do agility and hoopers with her mum.

Riley can’t wait to meet you and share a bit of her joy, one wag at a time!

If you would like more information please visit the Underdog website